We place you, the patient, at the centre your own care. Each patient experiences different day to day stresses and for this reason you will receive a bespoke treatment plan. As the patient, you are involved in every aspect of your treatment plan and in the clinical decision making process. We want you get you moving better and in less pain as quickly
Established in 1996 our chiropractors, based just outside of Leeds, have been supporting local patients for over 20 years. We are registered with the British Chiropractic Association, Royal College of Chiropractors and General Chiropractic Council. In our 20 years of chiropractic treatment we have helped untold people from Leeds, Morley and the surrounding
At Headingley Chiropractic Clinic, our fully qualified chiropractors based in Leeds are passionate about providing you with the best possible chiropractic care. We are here to help you regain the fitness you once had, to recover your mobility and of course, our aim is always to keep you living a pain-free life. Our philosophy is one of consistent innovation