We have set up an Online Consultation Service called Telehealth where you will connect with one of our Chiropractors through a video link where they will be offering advice, self help techniques and a personalised exercise plan. They will be able to go through the exercises with you to make sure that you are confident on how to do them effectively to
Our website is full of information about what The Complete Chiropractic Centre can offer you, from specialist chiropractic manipulation, to the detection of osteoporosis using our state of the art Bone Density Scanner, as well as our 13 week spinal rehabilitation programme in our specialist on site gym. Chiropractors specialise in the detection, correction
Healthpraxis Chiropractic office is filled with practitioners who want to make every effort for you to have a better and healthier life. Here at Healthpraxis, we are devoted to being the optimal wellness resource for you or any pain you may suffer. Maybe you're just searching for more peace and tranquillity in your life-we can help you with that too